Item #113 [STALIN’S FIRST APPEARANCE AS ONE OF BOLSHEVIK LEADERS] Protokoly Obyedinitel’nogo syezda Rossiyskoy Sotsial’demokraticheskoy Rabochey Partii, sostoyavshegosya v Stokgolme [i.e. The Protocols of the Unity Congress of Russian Social-Democratic Party in Stockholm in 1906].
[STALIN’S FIRST APPEARANCE AS ONE OF BOLSHEVIK LEADERS] Protokoly Obyedinitel’nogo syezda Rossiyskoy Sotsial’demokraticheskoy Rabochey Partii, sostoyavshegosya v Stokgolme [i.e. The Protocols of the Unity Congress of Russian Social-Democratic Party in Stockholm in 1906].

[STALIN’S FIRST APPEARANCE AS ONE OF BOLSHEVIK LEADERS] Protokoly Obyedinitel’nogo syezda Rossiyskoy Sotsial’demokraticheskoy Rabochey Partii, sostoyavshegosya v Stokgolme [i.e. The Protocols of the Unity Congress of Russian Social-Democratic Party in Stockholm in 1906].

Moscow: K.Ivanov, 1907. Item #113

[2], VI, 420 pp. 22,5x14,5 cm. Original printed wrapper. Uncut. Very good.

Extremely rare.

The book contains the full version of all speeches on the fourth congress of Social Democrats that happened in Stockholm in 1906. That congress was the important point in Stalin’s life – he was chosen to be one of the three delegates from Caucasus. It was slightly unexpected because before 1906 he was mostly in charge of the terrorist activity and have not published any articles or theoretical works unlike Lenin and other important party members. The book has the list of all the delegates – Stalin is listed under the pseudonym Ivanovich. It is possibly the first time he is mentioned in print.
The debates at the congress were concentrated around the agrarian question (what would happened with the land after the revolution) – Lenin was leading the most radical position based on nationalizing the land and was defeated by much more moderate Mensheviks. Later when the party split up that was named as one of the reason. It’s known that Stalin didn’t take Lenin’s side on that matter and was in favor of compromising strategy proposed by Borisov.
The book was printed in St. Petersburg in 1907. Soon it was banned by the order of court (see ‘Index of banned books’ (Alfavitnyi ukazatel’ knig na kotorye nalozhen arest). SPb., 1907, p. 35). It was also dangerous to possess such book in USSR as this congress was one of Bolsheviks’ weaker moments.


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